Sunday, April 30, 2023

April Times

Just going through my photos and wanted to save these happy moments from April 2023.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Natalie and TJ visit!

April 21st-23rd, 2023: Natalie & TJ came to visit and we had such a fun time with them! They timed up their trip perfectly with the tulips which were amazing. Had unexpected sunshine and had a great time biking around the tulip fields (+an unexpected detour through the sand dunes) all before the tourist crowds came and ended with a trip to the local butcher to enjoy some delicious sammies. Also had a great time strolling the city and just chatting. Sunday dinner pictured above with homemade chicken pot pie to celebrate Natalie biking to church and back all in one piece and before the sun went down. We don't get to see them to often so was a blast just being with them. 

We didn't do the tulips are last year because coming off of 5 years of glorious sakura season in Japan, we thought it couldn't possibly be as good as the cherry blossoms. It's safe to say the tulips over-delivered way above expectations and will definitely be going back on the yearly to enjoy them long as we go really early in the morning before the rest of the world gets there. 

Albert Cuyp chicken stop for dad. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Makelle Wood and Family Visiting!

April 2023: My bestest and favorite cousin Makelle and her family came to see us and travel Europe. It was so fun spending them with them and loved how well our kids got along. Makelle has been one of my most favorite humans my whole life and have so many happy memories with her and was great to create more here and love them so much!! 

Me and Lucy snuggled up together under my sleeping bag/jacket.