Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July Memories 2024

Another month to share! July was the best, we had lots of fun enjoying the sunnier days and being in nature. School finished up the end of the month, which was needed for everyone. Long live summer! 

family soccer matches I want to remember. 

We did a stroopwafel stand in vondlepark a few times and made some monies.

took this picture because Luke just took sooo long and teenager-ish.

lots of wild blackberry bushes around us we enjoyed this year

a very friendly butterfly we played with forever

splashpads are our jam in summer
Me and riley have been training for our marathon and we had lots of great sunrises, this was one. There was a couple that literally just brought me to tears it was so pretty and I was probably just exhausted too. 

the one time the boys did a time capsule. 
that other time lucy dished herself up a plate a ketchup to eat

summer in amsterdam in a photo

that one time we saw a crawdad on the way to church and wanted to take to sacrament meeting but didnt.

goodbye to teachers
free icecream, last day of school

big 34 this year! 

that one time we went to the beach and this is the only photo we took

july was good. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

dawn patrol- kayak amsterdam

This was one of the days that I want to remember forever, and ever. We did an early morning kayak session through the canals of Amsterdam. Before the kids woke up I pumped and prepped our kayaks and then we all woke up an jumped into the kayak and were outside before the world woke it. We can just start from our house steps and got into the kayaks from our canal and took off to central. It was conditions: no wind, perfect lighting, and just so peaceful with nobody on the water. It was surreal having the canals all to ourselves. We kept saying, "wow, we live here!" Just a special day in June for the books.