Sunday, January 24, 2016

Dawn Patrol

This weekend has been productive and wonderful!It all started in the early mornings--we beat the sun up, said our prayers, and made our own adventures.
We would get back around 9-10am, get ready, and work our butts off all day.
Then we would get back together, watch American Idol, crash hard, & repeat. 

"Good morning is not just a word, its an action and a belief to live the entire day well. Morning is the time when you set the tone for the rest of the day. Set it right!"

~ Fain Blake

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sun Rays

It's always really pretty to me when the sun breaks through the clouds and shines singular rays down. My friend's brother with Down Syndrome would get down on one knee and say: "JESUS IS COMING!" when he would see these light rays.

I'm sure these sun beams break through the sky everyday, I like when I notice them though.

(This picture really doesn't do these sun rays' justice)

Lately, I've been pretty busy between work and cleaning vacation rentals and working with guests. Yesterday, the two jobs were back to back so I was planning on driving to Kaneohe instead of taking the bus to save my sanity and make it more convenient for me through the long day. 

The night before though I had the smallest impression to not drive-- it was pretty random but decided to not brush it off but to take the bus. I figured I would never know why I didn't drive that day. I just thought I better play it safe than to be sorry with an accident. 

However, it was waiting for the bus later that day though when I realized why I needed to take the bus. I was sitting next to a local man at the bus stop- about 45 years old. We started talking about life and he shared how he was going to his baptist church later that day and his pursuit for religion and deity. He asked about my beliefs and I told him how I'm a Mormon. We talked for over thirty minutes about faith and religion and life as we waiting for the bus. The only thing he knew about the LDS people was that they have a temple in Salt Lake City, Utah and that it took 40 years to build and how we have a special diet :) It was good to share my beliefs and to shine a little more light to him about the Church.

I couldn't help but feel so grateful for the knowledge of the restored gospel in my life. I felt as we were talking together how he had just parts of the gospel-- but so much was missing or overcomplicated. He had a bunch of sun rays of truths but clouds still lingered overhead and he is just waiting and searching to get a glimpse of the whole sun and feel it on his face. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Snapshots of Lately

 "The camera is a save button for the mind’s eye."
 Rodger Kingston

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Engagement Anniversary!

On January 6, 2015
Riley got on one knee and asked me to marry him. 
Now a year later, I would say "yes" all over again....
It's been the best decision of my life.

It all happened on a beautiful winter day in Idaho.
Riley took me to this place I had shown him once before. 
It was this little quiet park that had a 
pretty bridge and path through it near the Train Depot in Boise. 

((Previously, I had told him how when I was younger
 I wanted a boyfriend that would take me to the bridge 
and dance with me on it and kiss me there...
It was just a side comment and didn't think much of it, 
but Riley was listening and took me back there....))

He walked me down the snow covered path to the bridge.
He stopped on the bridge and told me he wanted to be the one
 to dance with me and kiss me on the bridge and throughout life.
He told me he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me
and a lot more good stuff and then got down on one knee and 
asked me to marry him and spend eternity together.

He picked out the ring himself and it's perfect.
I still love looking down at it and feel so blessed.

After he proposed, we drove to the Boise Temple 
and talked about our life together and the future.
The day closed with the prettiest sunset
and we both felt it was Heaven's divine approval.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Murphy's Law

It hurt pretty bad. My family on the phone convinced me to go to the doctor right away to save my nail so it will grow back some day and help it not get infected. The doctor just wanted to finish taking it off and we did it without numbing. 

Riley documented our first trip to the ER and probably not our last, Thanks to Murph!