We ran across Tokyo’s iconic rainbow bridge from our house this month! Riley did it first and raves about it all week and the following week I did it. Another half-marathon for the books! We both decided it made the “top 5 fav run" of all-time and had to document it.
It’s been running lately that has filled me with gratitude and strengthened my love for Japan and for where we live now, knowing what a unique opportunity it is. I know one day I will miss running these streets and always having something new to discover. There is something so beautiful about running, about using your body as means of transportation to experience a world that only exists on foot. I had to stop on the bridge and snap a few photos and a sweaty selfie!
I’m not fast or a talented runner, I have no idea why rhythmically lifting both feet off the ground and awkward arm swings and labored breath can be so appealing... but running has been a source of joy and satisfaction my whole life. Running has helped me through some of the most challenging times and been a way to get headspace and unwind. These days it’s the way I connect with my self again and feel alive, not weighed down from carrying kids and keeping up with the constant demands that come with little ones. A chance to unplug from the world, ponder and be grateful for body and free.