Wednesday, June 14, 2017

These are the Days + Baby Pics!

Journal Entry: 6/2/2017

"Luke is whimpering and about to cry out again. He's been getting into the habit of just wanting held and talked too. I set him down for a minute to catch up on dishes or journal or do something and the moment I set him down he starts crying. Then I pick him up and he instantly stops and then I set him down a few minutes later and the process continues over. The day is almost over and I'm still half ready. 

A part of me wonders if I should let him cry it out for awhile, another thinks he's too young and just needs held and loved. A part of me is frustrated and just wants to claim some time for myself to get ready or go for a run and recharge. I'm not sure what is right or how to manage time very well yet...

Another part of me is happy. Grateful he likes being in my arms. A part of me can't help but smile that at the exact moment I pick him up and he stops crying and the fact he is so content just being in my arms. A part of me needs to be holding him too. 

As I rock him in my arms and hold and talk to him, I think this time is fleeting. 

A friend of mine with four little kids has a quote framed in her kitchen that says: "These are the Days!" A reminder that time is short and these moments are precious and just live in the now.

I know one day he won't want held and picked up and talked too and will likely prefer silence and not having so much affection. But right now 'these are the days' and I'll keep holding you tight and kissing those cubby cheeks!" 

Also,  some very precious baby pictures from my favorite, most talented friend: Amy Ai. Thanks for making my apartment look pottery barn and myself not sleep deprived. 

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful photos of beautiful people and times! I love this post. It's perfect and real and very accurate of the feelings! And I totally understand the day being half over and being only half ready haha. But these days only last for a certain amount of time. I love that THESE ARE THE DAYS quote. Love you lots Alyssa girl. Sounds like that baby boy love s you too!!!
