Sunday, February 16, 2020

Stir Crazy

The past couple weeks have been spent indoors.  We have managed a million diaper changes, daily laundry loads, countless sleepless hours, and more cartoons than usual. We've been 'playing it safe' with baby Clay and getting a little stir crazy and trying to establish some routines. Riley stayed home the first two weeks and took time off/worked from home and was a HUGE help in the adjustment doing the grocery shopping and letting me nap a few times. He has made the transition back to the office now and we are doing good, excited for warmer weather.

Luke has been so good with accepting his new brother! He is always sharing his toys and including him, he has taken up liking a pacifier though (for the first time ever, just two years late...) and insisting on being carried a few times... but honestly has done SO GOOD and has been nothing but soft and affectionate to Clay. I'm just trying to manage to show love and attention to both of them. Clay is a daytime sleeper, so one afternoon Luke jumped on the bed and let me take pictures. 


He insisted on a picture with his bubbles in mouth...

Just want to remember these happy times, among the hard moments and transition.
Here is how we really feel. . . 

I have gotten pooped or peed or barfed on everyday. . . 

and we play a lot of Uno. . . meet the champion of +2s! 
This was taken the first morning Riley went to work, I felt so accomplished when he was home from work the house was clean and I had makeup on. . . 
also was proud of this illustration this past week... daydreaming about a real nursery and learned a little about animation (see pacifier ha!)
Life is sweet.

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