Saturday, December 14, 2024

December part 1

Dec 2024: I really love this blog, it’s so fun to look back at all the memories and see how the kids have grown over the years. I hate being so behind and then only blogging the trips and missing the every day memories.  So trying to catch up and start the year fresh. But also want to share some daily happenings and happy times during these cold semi-mundane dark December days.

Lucy requesting a bowl and blueberries in her bath, she makes me laugh everyday.

My new ski vintage ski suit!! I tried it on, and then Lucy wanted too. It just drowned her. 

Lucy has been a cat a lot of these days,  when I put on makeup she request a little cat face. The other day she did it herself right before church and it was so cute and funny. It took me by surprise when I saw her and scared her and she got upset. Then when I put on my makeup the next day I didn't realize there was black all over my eyeshadow brush and gave myself a nice looking black eye. Not sure if this is making sense. But good times with kitty Lucy. 

One thing I'm proud of myself, I taught myself to embroider this year and made a few things!! Including THIS KIT that is sold at desert book now with the new 2025 youth theme! 

I hosted a little craft night with some friends/birthday party and farewell party. It was really fun and we stayed up crafting and chatting to almost midnight. 
Not everyone in the picture, but love these girls. 
The birthday queen, and a bestie here. 
Every December the school does a Christmas dinner and the kids each bring dinner and sing songs for the parents and the end. 
Candlelight concert with Riley! Date night! 

Dino museum and Christmas Market in Leiden with friends. 

2040 Luke & Sawyer wedding video material :) 

2045 Asa & Lucy Wedding video Material :) 

1 comment:

  1. I love you. Your life looks beautiful. Eden loves being a kitty too, and when I'm face painting she comes up and says "meow?" as her way to request me turning her into a kitty. I love that our kids are so similar in age and we're just living lives across the world from each other. Actually it'd be nicer to live closer to each other. Okay, love you bye.
