It’s the last day of 2024 (posting a bit late), and I’m here trying to catch up on the blog and looking over the past year! It’s been a good one. We’ve made lots of great memories and had some really fun adventures these past 12 months. Here is some highlights this year:
In January, Riley took a trip to Italy with his parents and Nicole. Alyssa went to France, and enjoyed some good quality time with her Grandma. Clay turned 4 years old, he loves tigers.
The highlight of February, was Alyssa and the kids escaped the cold and went to California. They spend some good time making memories and soaking up the sun with cousins and grandparents from both side.
In March it was Riley's turn to go to the states. He went to Moraga and spend some good times with his brother and dad playing Tennis and renewing his expired drivers license. He also turned 33! Another highlight, Clay started school!
April the sun and tulips came out, we pulled out the kayak from its winter slumber. We also had a fun King's Day celebration in the Netherlands.
In May, Luke turned 7! One memorable highlight was he biked across Amsterdam. We took a trip to England and enjoyed a lot of the countryside and coastlines.
In June, we celebrated 3 years in Europe! We soaked up the warmth by spending more time outdoors. We visited the farm and picked cherries and played in the sand. The boys even started a business making some big cash selling stoop waffles.
In July, Alyssa turned 34! The boys finished up the school year and we spent our days at the splash pad, beach or on the kayak whenever the weather would remember it's summer.
In August, we went to the states! We enjoyed a couple weeks with family and cousins and making memories and going on lots of adventures.
In September, the boys went back to school and we adopted Nicole for 3 months. Alyssa and Nicole went to Switzerland and Colmar, France. The boys also started futbol.

The highlight of October, was running a marathon with Riley and visiting the Dolomites. Nicole and Grandma and Grandpa stevenson watched the kids for a few days. The Riley and Nicole went to Paris for a long weekend together.
A the end of October/beginning of November we went to Portugal with Nicole. It was a lot of fun and loved roadtripping this beautiful country. Sinterklaas also came to visit, which is always a highlight for the kids. The to close off the month, Alyssa and Riley snuck away for a short London getaway together without kids!
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