Saturday, June 1, 2019

Four Years: 5/23

"Before I got married, I was surprised at how often I heard some form of the sentiment, "Get ready, marriage is HARD!" It seemed that everyone was eager to prepare me for the mountains ahead and ensure that I wasn't entering naively. . . 

THE TRUTH IS. . . life is hard. Marriage is what you make it. If you can find a teammate who wants to succeed and you're both willing to work for it, nothing can stop you."

I read the quote above on ' The Small Seed' instagram post and it really resinated. So grateful to have Riley as my teammate and how dedicated he is to our little family. This past month we celebrated four years of marriage (with sushi dinner obviously). We have officially spent most of our marriage living abroad (and before in Hawaii, so kinda funny that we have never lived in the mainland).  It has been so bonding and unifying being on our own and away though as we've had to be so reliant on each other and the Lord. 

Four years seems like such short amount of time, when I consider the adventures and experiences we have had together. I feel like I've known Riley for so long and hard to imagine what life was like before him. Grateful for these past four years, the good and the bad and having each other through both. 

"We cover each other's weaknesses, we amplify each other's strengths and together we win as a team"- Riley's marriage advice from Steph Curry.  

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