Sunday, June 9, 2019

Sweet Reminder

I had a special moment with Luke this week that made me so proud and happy and wanted to document it. So backstory first, when I visited home and stayed with Kaylee a bit this summer, one thing that I admired and noticed was they always prayed in the car before leaving home. She would buckle up the three kids and we would pray each time we left. I thought it was such a good idea, and wanted to get into the habit myself and teach Luke to pray before entering the world and leaving the house. I honestly have been so bad at remembering though and probably do it 60% of the time. This week. we were on our way to the park and I had opened the door of the house and asked Luke if he was ready to go, he then shut the door and said, "no, mom pray!" in his sweet voice. It was just the reminder I needed and was a tender moment this week.

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