Saturday, October 21, 2023

Split, Croatia

Oct 21, 2023: Our next stop on our Croatia trip was a day in Split. It is a cute costal city next to the Adriatic sea. It had lots of neat architecture and fun vibes. It would be really fun to go back and visit in the warmer months with lots of excursions and cave exploring and diving.  We hiked through the city and up and got some great views and we also attended church here. The location of the chapel was right in the heart of the city which was fun to attend. We have really enjoyed going to church all over and seeing the different branches. It has been so inspiring to see the dedication of the saints around Europe.  The branch was especially small. I was really impressed by the branch president here and wanted to set him up with my sister in law. He was single and young and basically just moved to split to help grow and establish the church here. 


sun in our eyes, but look at this meeting place for church! 

Clay picked up a snail somewhere along the way and was his travel companion for about 48 hours and so naturally he attended church with Clay. 

escape of the snail. . . 

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