Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Life Latley

Lately List: 
Listening: Lots of Harry Potter on Audible, currently on the 5th book and loving every single chapter. We will probably finish them this summer. They make long bus rides enjoyable and cleaning much better. Also, loving Adele these days. 

Watching: We have been watching a lot of war stuff lately: "Band of Brothers" and "Pearl Harbor." I convinced Riley we were due for a chick flick and went to the movie "me before you" in theaters and I cried like a baby. 

Favorites: "Splender" with the Howells, bowling with fam, seashells, beach walk, and butter mochi  

Eventfuls: Lots of jobs searching and career exploration stuffs which is exciting and keeps Riley real busy. He graduates this week and has second interview with Nike Japan today. Big stuff.
We have been playing and adventuring whenever we can justify and make the time. I recently won a big Instagram giveaway and the monies have been nice and unexpected and so we have set some extra funds aside for playing that have been well spent! 

Also, Nicole had a birthday and so we had a nice little family party. The twins made this epic gluten free rice krispy cake that was amazing and has to be documented. 

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! listening to HP5?? Me too! I've been listening to them all lately, and Chris and I watched all the movies. We decided to start an HP marathon after going to Harry Potter world. I looooove the audiobooks and I think the reader, Jim Dale, is the greatest.

    And wow, insta giveway!?! Tell me mo' about that! Super cool. And 2nd interview with Nike Japan?! We need to catch up, girl!

    I saw Taylor yesterday and Hailey today. And I'm almost halfway through my pregnancy! 19 weeks today.
