Friday, February 1, 2019

you and me, and a big city.

1/22/2018 This past week it was just Luke and me home. Riley went on a business trip and graciously gave us his flu bug before he left. So, that was kinda a bummer and all our adventures turned indoors.  I had previously splurged though and booked a photography workshop around Tokyo for me for something fun one evening to do and learn things, but the day before I decided I better postpone or cancel because we were both feeling so crummy but because it was so last minute I couldn't give up my spot without losing everything. So, I decided we would give it a try and if Luke/I was miserable we would leave early. ..  but tender mercy, we ended up staying pretty much the entire time and even got some really fun photos together and a few smiles outta us! Sooo here is a lot of pictures of me and Luke and a big city (if you click on the picture they are higher quality and not low resolution). . . 

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