He gave up naps the month after he turned two, which almost broke my heart because I felt like that was wayyy too early and that was 'my time' but we have adjusted fast and he falls asleep at 6:30-7pm until 6:30-7am so honestly can't complain too much.
Luke still loves his cars and airplanes. He loves playing "I spy" on our walks and has mastered his alphabet this past month. He recognizes all the letters, but has his 'own version' of singing the song and can't seem to get that down yet. He know his colors, numbers to 10, shapes and lots of japanese and 'harry potter spells' that Riley has taught him. Every day I am texting Riley quotes from Luke that crack me up-- he constantly surprises me with the things he picks up on and says. I genuinely love spending my days with Luke and our conversations.
We are currently in the throes of learning right from wrong, gentle from rough, quiet from loud. It can be exhausting for both of us. Discipline and knowing how to teach and parent is intimidating at times and such a learning curve. I'm feeling grateful for the challenge and opportunity to practice patience, unconditional love, and forgiveness (most often, forgiving myself for overreacting or losing my temper).
Some daily rituals include the park, painting, "dance parties," playing "cars" always on our bed, reading, dishes (which always includes lots of bubbles and a car to clean), smoothie making, and puzzles. He loves soccer with dad and wrestling; we recently got him a balance bike "the red bullet" he enjoys. He still loves to cuddle and is a total mama's boy these days and I'm perfectly OK with that.
Bedhead all day. . .
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