First, Ikea came today. My parents and sister helped me all day, from the start of the day when Ikea came— my mom and Whitney watching my kids while me and my dad dad rushed over to let delivery inside. Then they all stayed and helped put the bunk bed together. Which was no easy task. Literally just a bunch of wood slacks. We all did it together and it was really fun and would of took me and Riley DAYS to figure out honestly.
Then, we went to tkmaxx here (just like tjmaxx with a k ha) they all hunted for things for my house together and my dad helped with kids. Everyone was helping me it was so nice. I found this beautiful wooden arched mirror I loved but was pretty big and wasn’t sure how to transport back to house. We went to the counter to ask if they could hold for us while I figure out ride or see if it fits in my bike bakfiets with the kids. It was the only one so didn’t want to leave it.
This worker couldn’t hold it for longer than hour and everyone doubted it would work in bike just and she didn’t want to store it just because they get deliveries and lack of space and was worried if we kept it overnight it would get put back.
Then she asked where I live said she would drive it to me after her shift was over. She got my address and we exchanged numbers and she literally drove it over after work. She wouldn’t accept my money and just said you call me if you need anything and was SO KIND. I was really touched by her service and going out of the way for a complete stranger. It makes me emotional just thinking about it. There is good people.
The mirror is so special to me, it reminds me of my family helping me this week with my apartment and kids and it reminds me of this stranger that drove the mirror to my apartment for me so willingly without accepting anything in return. When i look in the mirror it will remind me of this and make me reflect on myself and how I can serve others and be better.
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