Saturday, September 5, 2015

Helloooo College Football!!!!

Football has official started... 
Goodbye husband!!!!
See you post season...
Just Kidding, But sports really is a huge part of his life.
&& he is a huge part of my life. 

Riley loves his sports and teams. Its a big part of who he is and something he loves and a passion of life.
When he was in 2nd grade he discovered the daily newspaper sports section.
Every morning, he would run out in his whitey tighties to get the paper and lay in the middle of the floor and read the stats before school started over a bowl of cereal. 
Not much has changed, except the newspaper has converted into a laptop. 

We have been talking for some time about the season starting and his anticipation and longing for it to begin.
To fill the void he has gotten really into baseball though and we got MLB TV!
But college football has officially started this week.

To celebrate we decided to go to Buffalo Wild Wings and get us some hot wings and go to a game.
After work/classes, we all piled in the car (with the siblings)  and hit the road for some wings.
After the hour ride, we pulled out and found out that BDUBS was closed and to make matters worst there was lots of rain and a tsunami alarm that went off. 

BUT we settled for subway and decided to take the risk and crossed our fingers that it didn't rain out.
We pulled up to Aloha Stadium in good time and broke up to scout out and get our tickets.
I learned a new word "scalping"...
It was a new concept for me....
The goal was to get the cheapest ticket. 
We all broke off and went off to get them by people selling outside the gates.
Ethan won, getting his for free.. by flashing his smile and using his charm.
We all did really good and got them for less than ticket value 
&& then entered the stadium and sat together in the forth row!

I'm pretty sure its a Stevenson thing! 
They are such pros and getting the cheapest tickets and best seats in the house.
They said they learned it from their dad,
it was so fun.

The game was great too!
It was Hawaii vs. Colorado.
It was cool seeing them do the Haka and watching the game all together as a family.
I never really grew up watching sports so everything is really new to me honestly.
Riley was sure in his element though. 
We worked out a great system during the four hour game:
The play would happen... people would react (clap/boo/etc)...
I would watch the instant replay and try to figure out what exactly happened (if it wasn't the obvious touchdown, of course)... and then i would turn to Riley and he would recap the play.
It was a good system. I learned lots of football.
Hawaii won but we left right before ending and missed the traffic and made it home in record timing.... and it didn't rain.

It was a great start to the season.


  1. That is SO awesome possum that Riley's siblings are there too. And four hour game... wowie. Chris and I are going to a Miami dolphins game in two weeks... it's his dream to go to a home game. We got some dolphins jerseys that say Palmer too. Hopefully they get here this week. Football football... Chris loves the dolphins and NFL stuff, kind of different than college football I suppose. I'm unsure of my feelings towards the NFL. But Ilike that you guys had a great time together and that you blogged yay miss you yay yay glad you're happy!

  2. This is still Chelsea. Just wanted to clarify incase there's some other mysterious commenter on your blog. My kitties are being so cute right now. Hooray cats.
