Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nelson Kay Stevenson "Baki"

06/05/1930 - 10/03/2019

Riley's grandpa passed away 10/03/2019 -- Riley was still in Japan but was able to say goodbye via facetime. He was able to attend the funeral though, which was a tender mercy to be there and was so grateful. He wrote down and journaled some memories and thoughts he wanted to remember and will be inserted here soon:

Baki died this week. It was a lot harder and sadder for me than I had anticipated. I just wanted to take a moment and rest but normal life went on and I had to keep going. I’m happy for him cuz he’s no longer suffering and reunited with Grandma Jo. I was able to speak a few last words to him before he died. I’ve never had the opportunity to speak to someone you know is in their last moments on earth. I told him thank you and how grateful I was for him. How he’s taught me how to live life big and to chase after experiences. He’s taught me how to love knowledge and how to make the most of relationships and time on earth. He swam laps everyday in his pool listening to the scriptures. He was a scholar and a disciple of Christ. My memory of Baki that I’ll take with me forever is a few days before we left for our move out to japan and I was talking to him about it and told him how nervous I was. He then said, being nervous shows that you’re alive and that you’re living life. So now every time I’m nervous before a meeting or a presentation at work I always remember Baki’s words and think of his big smile and it calms me down. It’s made me think a lot of how I use my time and how I treat everyday and the people in it.

Nelson Kay Stevenson launched his eternity, reunited with “Jo Babe”, and went exploring on October 3, 2019 after a short trial with cancer. Kay, fourth son of Merlon L & Katie Lynn Peterson Stevenson, arrived in Ogden, Utah on June 5, 1930. Excelled at art, football, swimming, and track at Ogden High School. Served in the Great Lakes Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Met gorgeous red-headed, Jo Anna Waldrop, on his mission and married her December 19, 1952 in the Salt Lake Temple. Children Larry (Carol) Stevenson, Mary (Howard) Schmidt, Nancy (John) Van Slooten, and David (Julene) Stevenson; 23 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren (2 more coming soon) & 5 foster children blessed their marriage. Jo and one grandchild precede him in death.

Graduated from the University of Utah with a BA in Art in 1955 Moved to Burbank, California to begin a long career as graphic communicator. Worked 12 years at the prestigious Tri-Arts Studio. Started N. Kay Stevenson & Associates. Clients included Mattel Toys, IHOP, Max Factor, RKO Radio, Capitol Records, Redken, Phizer, Elk Grove Press, Glendale Hale Center Theater, and more. Designed original covers for Open Any Door, Saturday’s Warrior, My Turn on Earth, & Tiny Tim’s Second Album. His bust of Amelia Earhart resides in the Southern California Aviation Hall of Fame. Worked for the Church of Jesus Christ as creative director of The Liahona & Senior Art Director to the Ensign. Served as president of the Association of Latter-day Media Artists (ALMA)

Kay loved the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Taught seminary, institute, Sunday School classes, and was a sought-after speaker for 5+ decades. Served as bishop of 3 wards, on the high council, and on the General Aaronic Priesthood manual writing committee. He remained dedicated to God’s plan of happiness to the end of his life.

Survived by his 4 children, 22 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren (6 were born within a week of his passing, 2 more will come soon), and 4 brothers.


  1. Alyssa, I didn't know that you wrote this. It is beautiful. You captured such glad memories. Thank you for memorializing my father, your grandfather-in-law, and beloved friend to so many. Larry
