Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Mt. Takao

10/13 Being in nature just feels sooo good on the soul! Living in a city now makes me appreciate way more these moments of solitude and untamed nature away from the hustle. There is so much peace and joy that comes being away and spending time playing with my boys in the great outdoors. Luke was a little parrot on Riley’s shoulder, continually squawking little words and waving at the other hikers. He does so good in the backpack and loved the free ride up the beautiful Mt. Takao. It was a great Saturday.
sesame-roasted mochi on a stick

 fun little mid-mountain stop, cool japanese vibes. 

 the pop line up. 
The buddha line up. 

 This is one of my favorite things Luke does. . . He puts his little hand against my lips and expects a kiss to catch it. He does it all day long, especially going to bed at night when he is too tired to sit up and lean over to get a kiss but wants one--so I get his hand to my face through the night haha. But seriously love Riley got it on camera.
Now just a few more pictures of these two... because they are my favorite.

 One day we will get a decent family picture, but this works :)
Another super cool manhole that was on the way to trailhead. 
 Soba stop and train sesh. 
 Occasionally I insist to take a turn with Luke in the backpack, but quit soon after and resume camera duty. . .  He is getting so heavy!

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