Sunday, May 12, 2024

Luke Lately! 7 years old!!!

Luke, You turned 7 this year!! You have been planning your birthday party for a couple months now and been excited for it. I think it's safe to say we planned well, and we had a great day and some fun parties. We started the birthday celebrations on the evening of May 1st. We decided to do it earlier because on May 2nd we were flying out for London. So after dinner we busted out your cake early and sang and ate outside and had a great evening as a family. 

The next day we did our traditional Mickey mouse pancakes and went to JumpSquare while dad worked and had a fun couple hours. I was really proud of you, you wanted to bike by yourself to jumpsquare but its across Amsterdam and by far the furtherest distance you have ever biked. Normally, I would say 'no way,' but you seemed determined and because it was your birthday I decided we could try. You did so dang good, and made it there and back safely and just growing up so fast. 

After jumpsquare we went to the park and then played with presents and took off on our evening flight. Then on May 10th, we had a fun friend party at Candy Castle and you had a good time.  It was really fun for me and dad to watch you in your element and speak dutch so much and have a blast with your friends. You are such a good friend to others, especially your siblings and I hope that never changes. 

Another year around the sun! We love you and excited for another year or adventures and fun with you!

Dad was sad he missed your jumpsquare festivities and took you to sushi :)

You biked clear to jumpsquare from our house! 45 minutes each way! 

Then Candy castle party with friends:

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