Wednesday, September 2, 2020

First Stop, California!

The first few days we spent in California! This was long overdue. The last time we were at Grandma and Grandpa Stevenson’s house together Luke was Clay’s age (7 months old)! We had a great few days with a couple beautiful hikes, yummy food, pool time, and some great grandparent bonding for the kids.

Julene had so many great toys saved from Riley’s childhood and more and would pull them out and then play together for hours. David came in for the win helping get suits and find clothes for the kids for wedding and everything. We were so spoiled with love and bellies filled with long missed foods from America including multiple bags of spicy chips for me.

Always blown away by the generosity and thoughtfulness of Riley’s parents. They are the ultimate grandparents with the kids too and so grateful they came and helped us drive to Utah, and Idaho. So excited thinking we have more time together in the tail end of the trip!

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