Saturday, September 12, 2020

Grandpa Moncur’s Birthday Suprise!

Sept. 13th: I surprised my family from Tokyo! It was EPIC. I had to keep it a secret the entire time we spent in California/Utah, which was a little tricky pulled it off. I want to forever remember my moms face of shock and pure joy when she saw us and got to meet her new grandbaby Clay!

 I decided to surprise them at my Grandpa's 84th birthday party. All my family from my Dad's side was there, including my two siblings going to BYUI. It was a good reunion, even made my dad tear up. It was my first time seeing Whitney post mission, after two years and was SO GOOD. My parents dropped Whitney off at college this trip, little did they know they wouldn't be empty nesters and our entire family would be moving in for a few months.

It felt like a mission homecoming <3 

IMG_1155 from alyssa on Vimeo.

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